Friday, May 1, 2009

House of Poon Burned Down

Not sure if you Penfield guys ever tried this place, but due to its location, House of Poon Chinese Restaurant was a place my family sometimes ate from.

This past Friday I drove up to Indianapolis, IN to visit the FDIC convention (my dad goes with a couple guys from the Brighton Fire Dept. so I met up with the group). Later that night, while waiting for our group to be seated at Buca, a very good Italian restaurant in town, the topic of food was brought up, eventually leading up to the recent fire at Rochester's House of Poon restaurant. A couple of firefighters in our group happened to be at the fire. Stories of how nasty the kitchen was reminded me of the Kam-Wah fire a couple years back. To say the least, I thought this was an ordinary "damn, chinese restaurants are dirty" story. That is until they said what they found in the freezer. They found three of these (I'll let the picture explain).

Ya, so think about that next time you're eating Sesame Chicken and wonder why it doesn't have the same texture as any chicken you've ever eaten before.


dalibero said...

You have to be shitting me. Also, why the hell are you at an FDIC convention in Indiana? And why do guys there know about a fire in Penfield, NY? So many questions ...

MlauwZeDong said...

This isn't at all a surprise to me. The restaurant's name was 'House of POON'...what sort of quality would you expect? Was it three dogs they found in the freezer, or did they have the decency to at least insist on strictly serving high-quality german sheppard?