Monday, April 27, 2009

Ok Great Britain, We Fucking Get It Already

<--- Hey Great Britain, you rule!

Oh hey, another amazing young singer... Great, we get it, you guys have better singers than we do here in America. Enough with this shit already. You rule at music (especially rock and roll). There. Over. Done with.

Aren't you tired of this America? Isn't there something we can do about this? It's got to be the shows themselves. More specifically the show's name.

American Idol. Nowhere in that name does it speak of the quality of singing on that show. How good do you need to be to be idolized? Quite frankly, not that good (think Taylor Swift, or Miley Cyrus). But hot diggity dang America, Great Britain has us beat before their show has even started. Just look at the name, "Britain's Got Talent." These pompous lymey bastards already know they've got it, they just figure, "hey how can we show off these kids some more?" Enter Simon Cowell.

Why the hell should I give a shit about this guy, let alone what he says every week? Ninety percent of all the people watching American Idol can do the same job as Simon. It's called being critical. OOOOOOOOOOHHH what a complex concept!!! Has anyone read his Wikipedia page? You probably don't need to considering you already know that he's the man behind such bands as Sinitta, Curiosity Killed The Cat, Sonia Evans, Five, Westlife, Robson & Jerome and Ultimate Kaos. One word can sum up that: HUGE!

Do we even need the other three judges? No. Paula is just propped up in her chair every week as a part of the DARE program to help scare kids off of drugs. The new one is trying so hard to be cool that it... well, actually, I don't know what she says 1/2 the time since she gets cut off pretty much every week. Then there's "Dude." Randy, you suck. Go back to playing bass with Journey. You're in need of some "real street cred."

So while American Idol tries to decide which person with an okay voice they can parade around for their 15 minutes of fame, Great Britain is sweating over which of their very talented finalists they should have, for lack of a better word, "win." Win is a tough word to say here since anyone in the Britain's Got Talent top 5 will probably go on to have a decent career. Same can't be said for A. Idol. Quick name off 4 winners of A. Idol that have big careers. Shouldn't be tough since they've done like 9 seasons of this shit.

On a side note, what's up with "Great" Britain? Who says they get to put "Great" in front of their name? Shouldn't countries get to vote on that? If I could vote, it would be for Djibouti, not lame old Britain.